Connecting to the UCC VPN allows you access to internal resources that are normally firewalled off. There is one currently working (albeit outdated) VPN method - IPsec VPN (This should work fine for windows, although Linux users be warned, you may find this very painful to try and use). OpenVPN is currently, maybe (?) working for people with client configs already set up, although currently we cannot create new client configs. An alternative that [SEB] is currently using is sshuttle. The old PPTP VPN is deprecated. The IPsec VPN is the easiest to use on Windows and is authenticated using your UCC username and password, however since [FVP] was not able to get it working by following the instructions below, he went and set up OpenVPN as well. = sshuttle = While attempting to get an OpenVPN cert (and then trying to get IPsec to work), [SEB] found sshuttle,, and while this may not work for *everything* you may need, it seems to be a hassle free way of accessing stuff so far. You will need: A linux machine, with ssh access to a UCC server using a pubkey, sudo access on said linux machine you are accessing the server *from*, and patience. This is only a solution for Linux (and possibly Mac?), although windows users can *probably* use IPSec. To use, install sshuttle, either from the [[|github]], or check your package manager for it. Once installed, run `sshuttle --dns -r -x`. That's it! You *should* now have access (at [[|]])! If not - enjoy debugging ;) - Or, just use some sort of ssh forwarding like `ssh -fN -L 8006:medico:8006 [your-username]`, although you'll need to change this for ports/machine you want ect. = OpenVPN = To connect to the UCC OpenVPN server, you will need to ask a wheel member to generate a client configuration with valid certificates. This can be done by running `USER=""; ssh root@murasoi "/etc/openvpn/server/uccvpn/ $USER" > openvpn-config-$USER.conf`. The resulting config file contains all the necessary information to connect to the VPN. Note: client certificates and corresponding private keys are stored in the file. Keep it safe. == Installation == === Windows === Download the OpenVPN "Community" installer from the [[OpenVPN community download page|]]. You should be able to find OpenVPN GUI in the start menu somewhere. Run it. Place any configuration files in `C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config\` or `C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenVPN\config\`. An submenu should appear in the context menu accessible via the OpenVPN GUI taskbar icon which lets you connect and disconnect from the VPN. For more information, see the [[Easy Windows Guide|]]. === Linux (most distros) === Install the package `openvpn` using your favourite package manager. If you want to use NetworkManager integration, install `network-manager-openvpn` as well. Some examples: Debian: `apt-get install openvpn network-manager-openvpn` Arch: `pacman -S openvpn networkmanager-openvpn` If you use NetworkManager, you can select the option to import saved VPN configurations when adding a connection in the "Network Connections" interface. If you want to use systemctl, place the file in `/etc/openvpn/client/` and run `systemctl start openvpn-client@.service` to connect. = IPsec (strongswan) = == Connecting to the VPN == === Windows 7 === [[|Follow the directions from the strongSwan wiki]] * Use `` as the Internet address * No need to set any advanced settings (if you do, you want IKEv2 and authentication via EAP-MSCHAPv2) . === Android === Option 1 - preferred: * Install the [[|strongSwan VPN client]]. * Start the newly-installed application. * Add VPN Profile. * Profile name is "UCC". * Gateway is ``. * Type is the default "IKEv2 EAP (Username/password)" * Username and password are your UCC credentials. * Leave "CA certificate: Select automatically" checked. * Save the profile. When you connect you will get a big warning about using a third-party VPN application; this is expected. Option 2 - less preferred as there is no mutual authentication (I think) - this means it is much more trivial to MITM the connection. * Create a new VPN connection (Settings - More - VPN) * Name is "UCC" * Type is "IPsec Hybrid RSA" * Server address is `` * IPsec CA certificate - leave as "don't verify" (WTF Android, you have to manually install a CA and you can't use a system one, this is a total pain) * IPsec server certificate - leave as "received from server" * Save the profile * Connect using your UCC username and password. === iPhone / iPad === * Technically could work with a deployed profile * Only problem is that the profile has to contain the user name, thapple. * If anyone really cares you can make a script that does it, ask zanchey@ for a sample * Might be better in OS 9 === OS X === * Works in Mac OS X System 10.11 1. Go into Sys Prefs -> Network 1. Click +, Interface: VPN, VPN Type: IKEv2, Service Name: UCC or whatever, Click Create 1. Server address:, Remote ID:, Local ID: your username or something personal 1. Click Apply. 1. Click Connect and it should work. === Linux === * There is a strongSwan plugin for NetworkMangler. --(I haven't been able to get it to work.)-- === Arch === ==== Installation ==== To get strongSwan working on Arch with networkManager requires building strongSwan from source. The easiest way to do this is by installing the following AUR packages: [[|strongswan]], [[|networkmanager-strongswan]]. For help with installing aur packages check the [[|AUR instructions on the arch wiki]]. When installing strongSwan you will need to make some changes to the PKGBUILD of strongswan package as networkManager support is not enabled by default. In the PKGBUILD you will find the "depends" and "makedepends" lined and add {{{'libnm-glib'}}} to the end of both lines so that it looks like this: {{{ depends=('curl' 'gmp' 'iproute2' 'openssl' 'sqlite' 'libcap' 'libsystemd' 'pam' 'libnm-glib') makedepends=('curl' 'gmp' 'iproute2' 'openssl' 'sqlite' 'libcap' 'libsystemd' 'systemd' 'pam' 'libnm-glib') }}} You then need to edit the {{{build()}}} section of the PKGBUILD by appending the {{{--enable-nm}}} option so that the section looks like this: {{{ build() { cd "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-${pkgver}" ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sbindir=/usr/bin \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ --with-ipsecdir=/usr/lib/strongswan \ --enable-sqlite \ --enable-openssl --enable-curl \ --enable-sql --enable-attr-sql \ --enable-farp --enable-dhcp \ --enable-eap-sim --enable-eap-sim-file --enable-eap-simaka-pseudonym \ --enable-eap-simaka-reauth --enable-eap-identity --enable-eap-md5 \ --enable-eap-gtc --enable-eap-aka --enable-eap-aka-3gpp2 \ --enable-eap-mschapv2 --enable-eap-radius --enable-xauth-eap \ --enable-ha --enable-vici --enable-swanctl --enable-systemd --enable-ext-auth \ --disable-mysql --disable-ldap --enable-cmd --enable-forecast --enable-connmark \ --enable-aesni --enable-eap-ttls --enable-radattr --enable-xauth-pam --enable-xauth-noauth \ --enable-eap-dynamic --enable-eap-peap --enable-eap-tls --enable-chapoly --enable-unity \ --with-capabilities=libcap --enable-newhope --enable-ntru --enable-mgf1 --enable-sha3 \ --enable-bliss \ --enable-nm # <-- this line added to enable networkManager support # --enable-ruby-gems --enable-python-eggs make } }}} At this point you should be able to continue installing the package as per usual and then install networkmanager-strongswan. ==== Configuration ==== * Use networkManager to create a new "IPsec/IKEv2 (strongswan)" connection * Authentication is "EAP" * Gateway address is `` * Certificate - Select "COMODO_RSA_Certification_Authority.pem" (navigate to /etc/ssl/certs) * Username and password are your UCC username and password * Select the "request an inner IP address" option * Save the profile * connect to the profile using networkManager == Technical bits == IKE/IPsec setup is done by strongSwan on Murasoi. There are similar setups for IKEv1 (Android, iOS) and IKEv2 (Windows). Most of the difficulty is in getting the certificates right, see [[]] The XAuth/EAP authentication (IKEv1 and v2 respectively) is passed to the RADIUS server, which also handles accounting. `select username, sum(acctinputoctets), sum(acctoutputoctets) from radacct where nasporttype='Virtual' group by username;` will give you a nice sum of traffic over the VPN. SSL certificates are from Let's Encrypt and automatically updated by certbot. A catch when setting this up is that the `chain.pem` file must be present (symlinked) in `/etc/ipsec.d/cacerts` for strongswan to send the full chain to the clients. Clients get a IPv4 and IPv6 address from the ranges in [[Network]].