
UCC Camp is best camp.

See past camp information: Historical Information and Planning

What is Camp?

Let's put a whole heap of computer nerds in one place for a weekend and see what happens! We'll make sure there's non-sucky internet, the rest is up to the people attending. LANning will definitely happen, but there will also be some people there who are doing hardware/software hacking and coding. Besides that, it's just a great chance to meet some like-minded people and network.

Last years' packing list for those interested: HowToCamp.

This is an 18+ event. Drink responsibly. Don't drink and drive.


UCC Camp has a long history of activities which are run from year to year. Of course attendees are welcome to play their own games locally at any time, however online multiplayer games may not be permitted due to the restricted internet quota available. A list of potential activities that will conducted at camp follow, a purpose-built event programme has been made but will be influenced by what people want to play at camp.

If you don't currently have the following games, then it might be an idea to get your hands on them if you would like to play them:


The camp will run for four days and three nights from Friday, 22nd July to Monday, 25th July
Attendees may arrive from Friday at 3pm.
All attendees will need to depart on Monday at 10am.

Attendees will be expected to make their own way to the venue, if you are unable to make it yourself, many attendees will carpool to the event.


Camp Leschenaultia has been the successful host of UCC Camp for the past four years and will continue to be in 2016.

Camp Leschenaultia
400 Leschenaultia Place, Chidlow
Map: http://goo.gl/maps/lfbBT
Site Plan

Tickets and Pricing

The 2016 Camp has the following ticket prices:

The member discounts will only be provided to those who have had their membership active before Monday, 1st June 2016.

Attendee Form

All attendees must complete an attendee form with a copy of photographic identification before they are provided with a ticket by Monday, 18th July.
Forms should be sent to [email protected]
All payments must be received by Wednesday, 20th July or the non-member pricing will apply.

Payment must then be sent through to the club either through dispense or EFT.
UCC's EFT details are:

Attendees will receive a confirmation email once an attendee form AND payment have been received.

Camp Scholarships

UCC Oldguard (read: Alumni) have a long history of providing camp scholarships for first-time attendees, these are usually are by application but are definitely a great way to attend if you don't have the money.

List of scholarships available in 2015, 2016 scholarships to be confirmed:

Details of these are provided in their own links.

A draft menu for the camp is available below which will be prepared by our wonderful chef Trevor, all meals are provided throughout the weekend but please fill free to bring snacks or other drinks!

Snacks and drinks provided throughout: Water, Tea, Coffee, self-made sandwiches, leftovers from meals.

Friday Afternoon Tea
Friday Dinner:
Saturday Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs, Cereals, Toast
Saturday Lunch:
Saturday Dinner:
Sunday Breakfast: Bacon and Eggs, Cereals, Toast
Sunday Lunch:
Sunday Dinner:
Monday Breakfast: Cereals and Toast

What to Bring

It can get quite cold at camp so please ensure that you provide plenty of clothes to rug up in, there will be a fire outside and perhaps some warmth in the dorms but come prepared!

Please note that internet at the camp will be limited, so please get any downloading done at home, and disable any high-bandwidth applications before arriving.

Attendees are allowed to bring alcohol to this camp. Any alcohol brought to the camp must be surrendered to RSA Staff on arrival. Bags and eskies may be searched. Alcohol will only be served during drinking hours by certified RSA Staff. Please factor in mixers when determining what alcohol you would like to bring to the camp.


Event Manager, RSA and FAO
Oscar Hermoso
cheese852 AT ucc DOT asn DOT au

Event 2IC & RSA
Samuel Shenton
samuel AT ucc DOT asn DOT au

Alfred Burgess
aburgess AT ucc DOT asn DOT au

Cain Nixey
blargzap AT ucc DOT asn DOT au

Andrew Seeley
shadow AT ucc DOT asn DOT au

Camp Internet Connection

More information on the Camp Internet connection/Network is available.

No wireless network will be provided, be sure to bring a computer with an ethernet port.

Camp Debrief Minutes 2016

Taken by [AJT]. Note: These minutes inspired the new 2016 format for the minutes.

UCC Camp Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-07-25

[CHS] Oscar Hermoso      [cheese852]
[TBB] Alfred Burgress    [thebagleboy]
[BLZ] Cain Nixey         [blargzap]
[AMS] Andrew Seeley      [shadow]
[SAS] Samuel Shenton     [samuel]
----- Aaron Pytte        [bearblaster]
[333] Dylan Hicks        [dylanh333]
[LDA] Andre Strydom      [lordandre]
[BG3] Mitchell Pomery    [bobgeorge3]
[AJT] Alexander Thatcher [alexjthat]
[HTL] Ryan Hall          [hantale]
----- Harry Singh        [avacadobride]

Trevor Bourke
Sebbie Widdeson

Meeting opened 10:57

[BG3]/[CHS] leave and return

Confirmation of minutes from previous meeting:
- Missing, lost in the void
- They were good before they were bad

Good stuff
- [LDA]: Had a really good wc3 map
- People helped clean
- Everything on time for drinking, cleaning, rock band, etc.
  - Thanks to [RME] for rock band
- Thanks to [333] for wifi router
- Network use really good
  - 20GB out of 30GB used
    - 1GB per person used
    - Good buffer of leftover data
    - 4GB to downloads not stopped in time

- [TBB]: Desks not near walls would be desirable
  - [BG3]: Was measured - left/middle gaps between tables bigger on purpose
- Move ping pong tables to fireplace side, move desks to ping pong area
- [BG3]: Good sitting next to and across from others
  - Surrounded by people
- No partition was good 
  - [CHS]: Not really our choice
  - [bearblaster]: Partition has advantages for noise but ehh
- Rock band set up poorly, was in path to bathroom
  - [SAS]: My fault, forgot to get stand for projector
- Use to run donut formation of desks, but had become not feasible with too many people
  - Had everyone next to each other, could see everyone and interact
- [333]: Teamspeak?
  - Nah

Bad Stuff
- Cold
- 3 hours between 1st and 2nd car - a lot of set up without anyone else
- Beatentrack dying
- Internet being there and then not
- [CHS]: Realising didn't have enough cars last minute
  - Thanks to [LDA], [bearblaster] and [CTH] for taking things from the clubroom
    - Special mention to Ryan for showing up at right time with empty car
  - Organise cars ahead of time in future
    - Previous committees had enough cars
    - [TBB]: Will get a license for next year
- Get one switch per table instead of overheads
- Espresso machine for coffee not best idea
  - Large mess made
        - Mess built up, people stopped caring once mess started
        - Missing presser, [CHS] claims to be at fault
  - Table too full, need empty space
  - People had a good time
  - Drip machine a good idea
  - [333]: Sell energy drinks on dispense
  - [BG3]: Coffee not integral to LAN
- Move desks back so RSA can see people go up to bar while still being part of LAN group
  - Maybe one metre
- [BLZ]: Assuming same restrictions for RSA, want to do a thorough catalogue of drinks handed out
  - Can go to guild giving how much was handed out between people
  - [CHS]: Want to change drinking hours or let RSA drink
    - Wasn't a big deal, came to play video games anyway
  - Still keep alcohol in kitchen
    - [SAS]: 2013 camp, people had alcohol on desks and people drunk more and excessively
- [CHS]: Didn't ring guild
- People not coming
  - Freshers couldn't come (e.g. Sosin, Lachlan)
- [*OX] got bit by a spider
  - [BLZ]: First aid offered, [*OX] declined
    - Proper responses were made
- Noise issues
  - [BLZ]: Put all snorers in same room
    - Snorers gonna snore, just a camp thing
  - Didn't enforce noise hours
    - Need to officially state times instead of informally
  - One dorm was near rock band, other was near LAN
  - Speakers were used
    - Already banned, people were at fault
  - [LDA]: On friday night, remind people to set up beds ahead of time
    - Set ground rules for drinking/quiet hours at dinner
      - Point out first aid, RSA
        - Have a board with who is who
- [avacadobride]: Change drinking hours
  - [AMS]: Is high risk event, need RSAs for drinking
- [CHS]: Camp fire was shit
  - No fire wood
    - Wood that was available was shit
  - Axe was blunt
    - [HTL] claims to have no issue with axe
- [CHS]: No theme present
  - [bearblaster]: Theme was stupid
  - [LDA] suggests wc3 theme

- [CHS]: Bring one-sies to future camps
  - Blanket togas also appropriate
- [LDA]: Sell towels
  - [BG3] had spare towels
- [CHS]: People complaining other camps too close
  - Have always booked week before semester
  - Time is fine, ask certain other camps to move
- [CHS]: [JMA] was going to RSA, first aid and come to camp, didn't achieve any
- [CHS]: [KEK] pls come
  - LDA suggests Arend scholarship, the AUCC
- Shadowworld LARP made us miss [NVS]
  - Only one person
  - Try to prevent overlap next year
- Heathred was shit and didn't shut down, rip CSGO
- Minecraft
  - [333] suggests faster modpack
        - Skyblock has been suggested
- [avacadobride] Organise games more
  - [LDA]: Games organise themself
  - First night had nothing
  - Need simple games everyone has
    - Set times, let everyone get games before
        - Have plenty of games available for everyone to grab
    - [BLZ]: Have 'easy transfer' copies of games
          - Not on UCC property (Arrrr)
          - D-LAN

- General thanks to [BG3], Trevor
- UCC camp better than Unigames camp
- [bearblaster] rates camp at 9.5/10

Meeting closed 11:32
Next camp action items
- [TBB] to get license
- [KEK] to come to camp

uccwiki: UCCCamp2016 (last edited 2016-09-28 12:30:19 by ecm-c-w-203-031)