
Pluto is the Roman God of the underworld, not a planet

History prior to arriving to UCC

Pluto was Bob's desktop box, then Bob's fiddling server, then Bob's foot rest...so don't be too concerned about blowing it up.

UCC machine history

Was donated after the Great Storm of Perth to replace Coblet, which got the brunt of the rain on the projects bench.

Current machine tasks

Projects bench machine. [BOB] will hunt down and slowly torture anyone who uses it for gaming.

Current software configuration

Debian Lenny, and WinXP

Useful utilities installed


It is not a secure computer, and isn't on the ucc domain - so don't expect it to be safe to do your personal banking on

Current hardware configuration

Celeron 1.7GHz, 512MB RAM, 200GB Hard Disk

Future plans for the machine

Install more useful utilities on it to configure microcontrollers with.

Thanks to:

[BOB] for the donation



uccwiki: Pluto (last edited 2010-05-30 19:13:11 by BobAdamson)