Welcome to HowToUCC, your first stop on the journey of UCC's services. As there is always something new you can to learn at UCC we've tried to collate all the information in one place.
The majority of these guides assume that you already have your account set up If this isn't the case come into the clubroom and we will be able to set up an account for you.
Connecting to UCC's Wifi - One of the first things you will want to do when you get your account set up
Terminal Multiplexing - How to run multiple processes simultaneously through SSH, and how to keep running processes after terminating the SSH session.
Connecting To IRC - Talking to other members in our chat room
Unwritten Articles Below. Stay tuned for these. Or ask someone in the clubroom for help and contribute to the wiki to help others!
Writing For HowToUCC
- Think of something that people in UCC need to know
- Write a tutorial that Freshers can understand.
- ???
- Profit!!!